here's a word from the great john hartford...
...and through all this fiddling it starts to be clear
why we'll never be top of the charts.
but it's all just as well that it all stays just so
or we might have to share it with folks we don't know
from places we know we would not want to go
and in ways that would just break our hearts.
a while ago we put a song forward for what looked like a really interetsing project. some guys on facebook had decided that they would pick 40 artists making music of merit and orgainse an all-at-once co-ordinated song buying week which would result in said artists standing a good chance of charting in the UK top 40. they called it 'storm the charts'.
it was very well organised. they did their research. they took their time and waited until enough people had registered interest for the project to stand a chance of working. they divided up the people into smaller, more manageable groups and gave them artists to vote on. they probably did loads of other clever stuff after that, too, but that will remain a mystery to me.
in fact, it got so complicated that i forgot to pay attention ("oh, this requires some real attention from me - i'll do it later") and solicit votes for our song at the crucial moment, so you'll not be seeing us in charts any time soon.
do not dismay though. our good friend steven finn, who you may remember opened up the launch show for 'no.5' back in february, wasn't so distrait. you can buy his song - 'hail to the theif' - any time between july 01st and july 03rd and leave your mark on the UK top 40.
and boooo to us for not being organised enough to get involved properly.
here's steve - have a listen. buy his song. thanks.